3D Printing Materials On Jewelry Application
Additive manufacturing technology is increasingly being used in the jewelry industry because of its ability to quickly design complex and unique parts. Rings, necklaces, and bracelets can be easily prototyped, and finished parts can be integrated directly into the jewelry. Additive manufacturing’s printing processes and wide selection of materials offer additional possibilities for the jewelry industry. For example, stereolithography can create highly accurate jewelry; laser fusion technology can create metal-based jewelry.

Maria Clelia Scuteri, a designer at Invaerso, said 3D printing enables the design of rings and other types of jewelry with complex geometric shapes that would be difficult to achieve using only traditional techniques.

In France, the jewelry industry uses additive manufacturing to improve production processes. Parisian artist Caroline Auraix uses 3D technology to shorten the delivery time of her products. The jeweler works primarily with Rhinoceros 3D software, which provides a “modeling” effect for models. For her choice of 3D printing process, Caroline Auraix says selective laser sintering (also known as SLS) is the technology that best suits her needs.
Next, we will introduce several globally famous brands that use 3D printing technology to make jewelry.
RADIAN is a Berlin-based brand that is known for its 3D printed, sustainable jewelry and home furnishings. They produce complex, avant-garde and fast jewelry artworks directly through 3D printing. With SLS and adhesive jetting technology in particular, they are able to achieve this goal.RADIAN mainly divides their jewelry artworks into three collections, including the Solitair collection, which is very intricate with cubic shapes, and the Cubetwist collection, which focuses on bending and twisting, as well as the collection of Nefertiti, which is related to ancient Egyptian elements.
Based in Taiwan and founded by Ting Tang, ElementsLab is able to manufacture silver and metal alloy parts and mass produce them. Additive manufacturing allows for faster and more efficient creation of more complex designs than traditional metalworking. elementsLab is also able to offer customers the opportunity to design custom parts. 3D printed items must meet durability standards and have certain mechanical properties. As a result, each piece of jewelry has a unique touch and meaning.

3. Nuovi Gioielli Jewelry
Nuovi Gioelli was founded in 1985 to combine additive manufacturing and traditional techniques to design and manufacture jewelry. In order to create unique jewelry, Nuovi Gioielli uses different production processes and different metal materials, most commonly printing jewelry in steel and bronze, but they aim to successfully use 3D printing to create gold and platinum jewelry. By combining new technologies with traditional methods, Nuovi Gioielli is able to create unique pieces.